Omer Zaman
Data Analyst
Data Visualization Expert
Business Intelligence Specialist
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Power BI
  • SQL, Python
  • Jupyter, Tableau, PowerBI
  • Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlibt
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Warehousing
  • ETL processes
  • GIT knowledge

HR Power BI Dashboard

Project details

Summary: I conducted an exploratory data analysis (EDA) project aimed at better understanding employee attrition for a client company. I leveraged advanced data analysis tools and techniques, including DAX, drill up/down, and filters, along with industry-standard data analysis tools such as Power Query to explore a dataset comprising 2925 employees. My EDA led me to uncover employee satisfaction and distance to work as the two most significant factors contributing to attrition. Moreover, I identified several departments with higher-than-average attrition rates and proposed targeted recommendations to improve employee retention.

Methodology: To initiate the analysis, I employed Power Query to perform data cleaning and transformation tasks. I also leveraged advanced techniques such as DAX, drill up/down, and filters to create new columns, sort the data, and derive more profound insights. After preparing the data, I conducted several exploratory analyses to identify key drivers of employee attrition. I explored factors such as years worked, gender, department, employee satisfaction, and distance to work to unearth correlations that could help explain attrition rates.

Results: My analysis yielded intriguing findings on factors contributing to attrition. Specifically, I discovered that low employee satisfaction and longer commute times were the most significant drivers of attrition. I identified departments such as marketing and sales with higher-than-average attrition rates, indicating the need for targeted interventions to improve employee retention. In addition, my analysis highlighted the importance of addressing employee satisfaction and reducing employees' commute times to combat attrition effectively.

Recommendations: Based on my analysis, I recommend several targeted steps that the company could take to improve employee retention. To address employee satisfaction, the company should consider deploying regular employee surveys to identify pain points and areas for improvement. Additionally, implementing flexible work arrangements or incentives to reduce employee commute times could help retain employees. Finally, the company should focus on improving retention rates in departments such as marketing and sales by providing more opportunities for career development and creating a positive work environment.

Conclusion: In conclusion, my EDA project delivered valuable insights into factors affecting employee attrition for the client company. By leveraging advanced data analysis techniques, I identified the most significant drivers of attrition and proposed targeted interventions to improve employee retention. My recommendations, which include conducting regular employee surveys, implementing flexible work arrangements, and investing in employee development, can help create a positive work environment and ultimately drive employee retention for the client company.

  • Technology Used:
    Power BI, Excel
  • Status:
  • Data Set:

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Omer Zaman