Omer Zaman
Data Analyst
Data Visualization Expert
Business Intelligence Specialist
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Power BI
  • SQL, Python
  • Jupyter, Tableau, PowerBI
  • Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlibt
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Warehousing
  • ETL processes
  • GIT knowledge

Attrition Analysis & Dashboard

Project details

Summary: I conducted an exploratory data analysis project for a company to better understand its employee attrition rate. The dataset contained information on 2925 employees, and I utilized advanced techniques such as DAX, drill up/down, and filters, as well as industry-standard data analysis tools such as Power Query, to analyze the data. Through my analysis, I found that employee satisfaction and distance to work were the two most significant factors contributing to attrition. I also identified several departments with higher than average attrition rates and recommended solutions to improve employee retention.

Methodology: To begin the analysis, I used Power Query to clean and transform the data. I generated new columns and sorted the data using advanced techniques such as DAX, drill up/down, and filters. After the data was cleaned and prepped, I conducted several exploratory analyses to identify factors that were correlated with employee attrition. I explored attrition rates by years worked, employee satisfaction, gender, department, and distance to work.

Results: Through my analysis, I found that employee satisfaction and distance to work were the two most significant factors contributing to attrition. Specifically, employees who reported low levels of satisfaction and had longer commute times were more likely to leave the company. I also identified several departments with higher than average attrition rates, including the marketing and sales departments.

Recommendations: Based on my findings, I recommend that the company take several steps to improve employee retention. To address employee satisfaction, the company should consider conducting employee surveys to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, the company should explore options for offering more flexible work arrangements or other incentives to reduce employees' commute times. Finally, the company should focus on improving retention rates in high-attrition departments such as marketing and sales by offering more opportunities for career development and creating a more positive work environment.

Conclusion: Through my analysis, I was able to provide valuable insights into the factors affecting employee attrition for the company. By identifying the most significant factors contributing to attrition and offering solutions to address these issues, the company can take steps to improve employee retention and create a more positive work environment.

  • Technology Used:
    SQL, Power BI
  • Status:
  • Data Set:

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Omer Zaman