Omer Zaman
Data Analyst
Data Visualization Expert
Business Intelligence Specialist
  • Residence:
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  • Age:
Power BI
  • SQL, Python
  • Jupyter, Tableau, PowerBI
  • Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlibt
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Warehousing
  • ETL processes
  • GIT knowledge

E-Store KPIs Project

Project details

This project involved analyzing sales data from the last five years, broken down year-by-year, to extract insights that could inform our business strategy. We focused on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales, quantity, average delivery time, and returned orders. By looking at sales data by department and region, we were able to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

To conduct this analysis, we utilized various data cleaning techniques, including reformatting dates and negating null values in columns such as postal code. We also utilized DAX in Power BI to create a new column for delivery days. Our findings showed that total sales over the five-year period amounted to $12.6 million, with 178,300 units sold and an average delivery time of four days. Sales were highest in the consumer department, followed by corporate and home office. Additionally, sales were strongest in the Asia region, followed by Europe.

We used Power BI's advanced visualization features to create a comprehensive dashboard that allowed us to visualize our findings and make informed decisions based on the data. This included drill down/up functionality, filters, and the ability to slice and dice the data in various ways. The dashboard also highlighted our top 10 customers and products by profit, as well as our top 10 products by loss. Overall, this data analytics project provided valuable insights that helped us better understand our sales trends and make data-driven decisions to improve our business strategy. The use of Power Query, DAX, and advanced visualization features in Power BI allowed us to conduct a thorough analysis and present our findings in a clear and actionable way.

  • Technology Used:
    Power BI, Excel
  • Status:
  • Data Set:

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Omer Zaman